RTSS 2018

Industry Panel

Real-time Internet of Things: Existing Solutions, Current Problems, and Future Challenges

Xenofon Koutsoukos, Vanderbilt University, USA


Recent advances in information, networking, and micro-scale technologies are enabling the real-time internet of things with large numbers of sensors, actuators, and integrated computation that can sense the world around them and respond to it. This represents a major disruption in the way we navigate and interact with the physical world which requires significant technological advances. In this panel, experts working on different application domains will share their views on opportunities and challenges for the real-time IoT, trying to underline which problems they consider as solved, which problems they are struggling with at the moment, and which problems they consider as their next challenges. The audience is invited to join the discussion in a common effort to identify the relevant research questions that should be tackled by the real-time community.

  • Raghu Ganti, Master Inventor, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
  • Addicam Sanjay, Principal Engineer, Intel IOTG Group